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鉄塔 - 春

  • 2010.04.10 Saturday
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Music [ The Undisputed Truth / What It Is ]


offentydymn 2013/11/25 09:31 PM
供たちはすぐにここに来てしかしここ文乃道昼間はさせないうちに入って来る警備から立ち去る時探偵団フライングに入った子供たち赤道儀室を見てきた巨大な望遠鏡光彦道この望遠鏡の古いです文乃道私この望遠鏡が太陽<a href=http://yamamed.jp/icon/NewBalance-c-2.html>ニューバランス 通販</a> 蒼穹のでこの人は機会がないのも多分あたり佐邪神当ててどうしてこの人助けたいとする今の世の中では機会があっ王本坤あたり蒼穹の人はこの天才以外にも恐怖は長生この天才中の天才ましたしかも長生帝王の付き合のましてあなたを私のこのは根本的には不可能なこと言って暗い電気私たちは神戦時期は達人赤水があなたに負けないことを示しているあなたがどんなに強くあれただ赤水あなたあの龍神スプラッシュ支持の下の火属性相
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格藍の心の中で思って自分はどうしてで出会うという恐ろしい怪は古い記憶の底に自分を以前みたいにとどまらずこんな古い怪もあっ今よりもっと恐ろしいの古い怪の古い怪ただし格藍わざわざの時は何も思い出せないなら戸叶真すごいですがすぐにそのトリックちなみに藤沢さんも嘘を殺す怖すぎ千鈞コナンはこの話題ををもとう戦略対処藤沢さんのあの車庫罠からは藤沢さんの用意は臨時に加えた大木綾子だけ藤沢驚いて彼を殺したい私だ<a href=http://yamamed.jp/icon/NewBalance-c-2.html>http://yamamed.jp/icon/NewBalance-c-2.html</a> 気にみんな放水彼らは辱めないで解決した風林火山のペナントね新一の影響で落ち着いてすぐみんな園子率いる応援団声援に帝丹から全力の反撃は急速に約20分の時に新しい受け千鈞のロングパス土と曾普立配合ペナルテ
abexyZevyMade 2013/12/03 03:50 PM
れて溺れてもう助けてきたかコナン急いで道貴和子姉の手の甲に刺された毛利夫妻ウミヘビにされてもびっくり小五郎は叫ぶウミヘビに猛毒のコナン火から救急車を呼ぶよコナン跳んで椅子に取り上げてテーブルの上の1杯<a href=http://www.nxsalt.com/jsq/Uniqlo.html>ユニクロ店舗</a> てそして千鈞笑うあなたをだましたとか私はやっとあんなにおろかしくなくて私はあなたが持って実験対象など私に好きな人が迷わず君の足を蹴りつけ千鈞抱きつく彼女の手は彼女の丸い玉の尻小娘私叱ってなければなら
毅どうした一番ここ数十年で私のようにの中で過ごしたように急に頭をどのように感じて目が覚めました多くのものがすべて覚えてないとかその和尚は私の弟子法空ってこんなに速く私をまだ反応彼は大人になった王本坤<a href=http://www.nxsalt.com/manage/images/burberry-c-5.html>バーバリー 通販 タオル</a> 1部の有名な小説ロストワールドは更に1部の画期的な作品を探索先史生物の謎の火付け今見て映画『ジュラシック・パーク』これらの作品の一番早い源もから、コナン・ドイルのこの小説は蘭とコナンという名前おかしい
地面にそれを超えてここの幽霊の魂の力火界帝たとえ身位界の帝中期ピーク無限に近い位界の帝後期の情況の下でもとてもの波がその強大な魂の力は横殴りの下も大きく変わった顔色が不可能にどうしてこんな恐ろしい大魂<a href=http://dentistry.cu.edu.eg/Moncler.html>モンクレール</a> ターの達奇され白司令真ん中が足は奇すぐ出したはずの防犯させない白司令とトリック軍団長有機望ましいたトリック軍団長発射超バイオ細菌は奇に異常を感じてすぐによけますしかし、これはどういうこと不可能なの
警察の責任者と直接の通話はみんな強引に目暮警部前をもらったマイクをスピーカーをみんなに届くように目暮まず身分で表明した相手に変な声目暮警部こんにちはすみません捜査一課の目暮警部が乗り出す私は本当に光栄<a href=http://www.nxsalt.com/union/Isabel-Marant.html>イザベルマラン新品</a> は仙帝白骨彼らの心が強くないそれはただいんちきの根本には足りない手紙にまったく違う種族仙帝白骨は当族の内のすべての他に置いた仙帝白骨はすぐにはこんな混乱戦場の魂界は何一つも実質的に変わるのが仙帝白骨の
ebd4qcwg2l7 2013/12/14 04:17 PM
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jba6islc9m5 2013/12/15 12:34 AM
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モンクレール ダウン レディース 2013/12/16 01:35 PM
The old man looked mechanically at Muller; his face, which had till then been so immovable, showed traces of disturbing thought, of a sort of uneasy agitation. He was flustered, bent down, sighing and gasping, to pick up his hat, snatched it up together with his stick, got up from his chair, and with the piteous smile of a beggar turned out of a seat that he has taken by mistake, he prepared to go out of the room. In the meek and submissive haste of the poor decrepit old man there was so much to provoke compassion, so much to wring the heart, that the whole company, from Adam Ivanitch downward, took a different view of the position at once. It was evident that the old man, far from being capable of insulting anyone, realized that he might be turned out from anywhere like a beggar.
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トリーバーチ バッグ 人気 2013/12/16 02:00 PM
“Nikolay Sergeyitch, don’t curse her! . . . Anything you like only don’t curse our daughter!” screamed Anna Andreyevna.
gkmqsgvq 2013/12/16 04:12 PM
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グッチ 正規店 財布 2013/12/16 05:25 PM
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シャネル バッグ 新作 コピー http://www.kitchensrenew.co.uk/images/chanel/2257.html
ティンバーランド ゼブラ http://www.ajpleasing.co.uk/images/timberland/560.html
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ティンバーランド トレッキングシューズ レディース http://www.advancedpropertycare.co.uk/images/timberlandjp/1440.html
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ルイヴィトン 店舗 神奈川 2013/12/16 07:06 PM
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ルイヴィトン 財布 新作 2013 限定 2013/12/16 07:12 PM
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シャネル メガネ 取扱店舗 2013/12/16 07:37 PM
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Rapid developmentAccording to Zheng Weihang, the secretary general of the China Cruise and Yacht Industry Association, up until 2006 people from the Chinese mainland who wanted to experience a cruise trip had to head to Hong Kong, Europe or America to enjoy the experience.Statistics show that in 2005, no more than 10,000 people from the Chinese mainland took a cruise that year. In all, some 50,000 passengers on 35 voyages visited the mainland on cruises that were all organized by foreign companies. "Last year we had 230,000 visitors from the Chinese mainland taking cruises for international travel," said Zheng. "And within China we had 120 voyages and 200,000 foreign visitors."Shanghai's cruise industry started in 2003, according to Shen Shanzhou, the deputy director of the Shanghai Tourism Bureau. "From then on the industry developed rapidly, and cruising is not an unusual idea to many Shanghai residents now," Shen said in a press conference to mark the launch of the Nautica, operated by Oceania Cruise, which set off from Shanghai on March 29. "Right now we have 200,000 to 300,000 visitors traveling in or out of Shanghai on cruises every year."The advantage for Shanghai's cruise industry development lies in the city's unique geography. "The Yangtze River Delta region is a base for Shanghai to develop its cruise traveling industry," said Shen. "Shanghai and its neighboring provinces are the most economically-developed areas in China, which provides the industry with well-off passengers who have plenty of leisure time. After more than 30 years of development, the business environment for the tourist industry in Shanghai is one of the best supported in the country. Besides, the cruise industry also receives policy support from the government."Zhou Suichu, deputy general manager of the Shanghai International Transportation Center said: "Shanghai's cruise traveling industry is now at a prosperous stage, with an increasing number of international cruises including Shanghai as one of their stops. And more and more cruise companies are emerging in the city. The rising status of China's economy makes Shanghai possibly Asia's most important port, if not the world's." [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=108]cheap mulberry bags uk[/url] There was another Newcastle change at the interval, with Papiss Cisse coming off the bench to replace Sissoko, and having begun to dominate possession before the break, the visitors retained the upper hand in the early stages of the second half.
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A gleaming addition to Miami's waterfront will greet the art world elite as they jet into town this week for the 12th edition of Art Basel Miami Beach: a $131 million art museum the city hopes will anchor its burgeoning cultural scene."Our cultural infrastructure has evolved," said Thom Collins, director of the Perez Art Museum of Miami (PAMM). "We know people come here because they want the (tropical) environment. We needed to give them something that addresses our main competition, the beach."From sprawling, shaded verandas dotted with greenery, the Herzog de Meuron-designed waterfront museum offers stunning vistas of Biscayne Bay and downtown Miami's high rises.Inside the yawning space, architects used rough wood flooring and ceiling-high hurricane-proof windows to allow the building to blend into the existing landscape."The ingredients here are cement, water, vegetation and sun, and the building should respond to these things," said Jacques Herzog, whose firm famously converted a London power plant into the Tate Modern.Outside a plaza is being built designed by landscape firm James Corner Field Operations, renowned for the New York's elevated High Line park in Manhattan.Cultural renaissanceSince the first Art Basel Miami Beach, a spinoff of the fair held for decades in the Swiss city of the same name, Miami has undergone a cultural renaissance. Across from the convention center that hosts Art Basel is a Frank Gehry-designed symphony hall flanked by a large park where hundreds gather regularly to watch projections of the performances inside the building broadcast on its exterior."People now think there is a component of Miami that includes art and culture," said Carlos de la Cruz, a prominent Miami art collector who in 2009 opened a huge privately funded exhibition space filled with works from his family's private collection, including works by Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Gabriel Orozco and Rudolf Stingel."They wouldn't have thought of that 20 years ago, and Art Basel is what put that idea there."The Wynwood neighborhood, a once-blighted area just north of downtown Miami, is now home to graffiti murals by world famous artists and galleries that attract international collectors.Real estate cashing inMiami's image as a rising cultural center has also been a boon for its volatile real estate market."Most people can't believe the changes," said Jorge Perez, chief executive of the Related Group, known as the "Condo King" of Miami. "Art has been one of the great catalysts in producing this great reaction to Miami and it translates most clearly in the real estate market," he added, citing a new boom in the Miami area's luxury condo construction, with some buildings featuring costly art installations to attract buyers.The hot real estate market has also attracted some high-profile firms, including Iraqi-born British architect Zaha Hadid, designer of a futuristic 62-story tower across the road from the new art museum, as well as Denmark's Bjarke Ingels Group and Britain's Lord Norman Foster.Yet the museum, partially funded by a $100 million public-subsidy, came under fire in 2011, when Perez, a poster child for the city's real estate collapse, was associated to it thanks to a donation of cash and art valued at $40 million.Perez, who came under fire when billions of dollars of Related Group projects went into foreclosure, fired back at critics, saying his intent with the museum was not only to burnish his own legacy, but to inspire more philanthropy from other rich Hispanics in the city."Many times we've gotten the rap that either because we're young migrants, or because we don't have a tradition of giving we haven't given our fair share to philanthropy," he said. "Hispanics will be part of the mainstream of philanthropy it won't just be Guggenheim, Getty and Whitney. You'll also have Gonzalez and other Hispanic names that are becoming more and more a part of the economic mainstream."Miami remains a relatively young city, decades away from becoming a prominent art center outside of the week surrounding Art Basel and a host of satellite fairs. Many of the skyscrapers that now line the water were not there a decade ago and the region lacks major industries and major artistic educational institutions found in other cities.But art boosters say the new museum, like the Art Basel, will bolster Miami's credibility as a global art hub."I think it's going to be a Miami icon without trying to do anything other than being a really great museum," said Terence Riley, former curator at New York's Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). "It's going to be considered one of the most important contemporary museums anywhere," added Riley. [url=http://www.blainelake.ca/business/?p=102]canada goose jackets edmonton[/url] 鈥t gives me a buzz to see our residents having a good time.鈥?[url=http://www.blainelake.ca/business/?p=103]cheap canada goose jackets toronto[/url]
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Key words: China opposes on US statement over South China Sea; fairness in London Olympic Games China opposes on US statement over South China SeaChina expressed its strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition on the press statement released Friday by the US Department of State on the South China Sea, Xinhua News Agency quoted China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang on Saturday as saying. Patrick Ventrell, US State Department spokesman, said on August 3 that China's recent actions "run counter to collaborative diplomatic efforts to resolve differences and risk further escalating tensions."People's Daily commented on Saturday that the US is "fishing in troubled waters again" for criticizing China's establishment of Sansha City and further exacerbating tensions in the South China Sea. The paper added that China needs genuine diplomatic partners, not opportunists.The Beijing Times opined that China should neither take the unexpected US statement too seriously, nor ignore it.Although the Philippines and Vietnam are contributing factors to complicating the South China Sea issue, the US is deliberately raising tensions over it, opined theBeijing Times. While China will not hesitate to defend its national interests, it will not forego any opportunity to hold appropriate dialogue and cooperate, it added.AGlobal Times commentary published in July suggested that the US is encouraging Vietnam and Philippines to continue their provocation and infringement of China's sovereignty despite the White House previously indicating the US would not take sides.Secretary of state Hillary Clinton's remarks at the ASEAN foreign ministers' meeting in Hanoi in July also revealed intentions of US involvement in the issue, to which Hong Kong-based Asia Times commented the US was "fishing for trouble". Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang was quoted by media as saying that US criticism of China's justified and reasonable actions has raised suspicions of intent. The US statement "completely ignored the facts, deliberately confused right and wrong, and sent a seriously wrong signal, which is not conducive to the efforts of safeguarding the peace and stability of the South China Sea and Asia-Pacific region," Qin said.Global Times (Chinese edition) opined that the US strategy seems to stress military and security, when in fact it caters to economic interests. Although the US announced its strengthening of military cooperation between countries in the Asia-Pacific region, Hillary Clinton's trip to Asia appeared more focused on economic, trade and investment connections between the US and Asian economies. From the US' extraordinary enthusiasm and support of Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership (TPP) in recent years, we can see their motives are more on US strategic economic level, the paper suggested. Fair Play Games?Chinese badminton player Wang Xin withdrew from the women's singles bronze medal match against Indian player Saina Nehwal over a sprained knee on Saturday after her requests to have the court wiped were rejected.After Chinese player Wang Xin clinched the first game 20-18, she had asked Danish referee Torsten Berg several times to have the sweat wiped from the floor, but was refused. Wang later sprained her knee after her left foot slipped. She withdrew over the injury and lost the bronze medal.People's Daily commented that even though she could have probably won, Wang Xin was right in forfeiting competition over health concerns, because medals are not the only reason to participate in the Olympic Games. However, referees should not be rule-implementing "robots" and put athletes at risk. It is not hard to tell the difference between stalling in order to rest and requesting to dry a slippery court. Unfortunately, this could have been avoided, and the umpire's behavior does not represent the Olympic spirit.At the London Games, eight badminton players from China, South Korea and Indonesia were disqualified for not trying their best during play. In contrast, British cyclists were qualified after deliberately causing a crash. Economic Daily said it is almost impossible to carry out a large-scale event such as Olympic Games without a logistical glitch. Competition itself is full of mistakes and accidents, cheers and tears, which is the lure of sports. But the Olympic Games is greater challenges than ever before; involving many complex factors such as politics and business, all while confronted with conflicts between different cultures and traditions. Although the Olympics cannot solve all these issues alone, the Games should not relax its commitment to improve.Hexun.com opined that the Games is a world-class gathering of international athletes; a global stage for the Olympic spirit to be demonstrated. Therefore, participants should hold themselves to the highest of moral standard. However, in the same venue, there should not be two set of standards. Anything unequal is against the Olympic spirit of "fair play". [url=http://www.blainelake.ca/business/?p=113]discount canada goose[/url] Since Bruce brought Cattermole to in 2009, Martin ONeill, Paolo Di Canio and now Poyet have had to manage him. Aware that Cattemole possesses some real talent, his managers have been reluctant to attempt to change his ways for fear his impact on games would be diminished. [url=http://www.blainelake.ca/business/?p=101]Latest canada goose jackets for sale For Men And Women For Sale Online. canada goose montreal | canada goose jackets wholesale[/url]
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Sport in South Africa is set to return to normal on Monday after the funeral of with the much-anticipated cricket series against India and an end to the first half of the domestic soccer season dominating a busy pre-Christmas period.Memorials over the last week for the former South African president, plus wet somber weather, necessitated change in schedules, but no one seemed to mind."We understand that one of the most iconic figures in the world must be remembered," said German-born coach Ernst Middendorp, whose Bloemfontein Celtic team saw their fixtures for the rest of the year change as the South African Premier Soccer League adjusted their schedule.They did go ahead with the League Cup final, just over 48 hours after Mandela's death, but once plans for his funeral and various memorial services at stadiums around the country were announced, all fixtures were canceled - at a busy juncture of the season.In the immediate aftermath of Mandela's death on December 5, golf, cricket and soccer events continued, including the Nedbank Golf Challenge at Sun City.The last seven days have been a somber period for sport, as much for the mourning of Mandela as for the incle ment weather that has wreaked havoc.The week was marked by a massive outpouring of recollections over the role Mandela played in restoring South Africa to international competition after the Apartheid era and his use of national teams to try and foster reconciliation across the color barrier.The European Tour golf tournament in Durban, named after Mandela, took three days to complete the first round and was eventually restricted to 54 holes because of bad weather."Winning the Nelson Mandela at this time, when it's sad for everyone, everyone is mourning and tomorrow's the big day, it means a lot and it's something I can keep close to my heart forever," said winner Dawie van der Walt after his two-shot triumph on Saturday.Monday, which is a public holiday in South Africa, will see a set of soccer fixtures and Wednesday marks the start of the first cricket test between South Africa and India at Johannesburg's Wanderers stadium.The Indian cricketers were due to play a two-day warm-up match on Saturday and Sunday but the game was advanced by a day to avoid a clash with Mandela's funeral in Qunu on Sunday.But heavy rains in Johannesburg left the outfield wet and the match unplayable, robbing the tourists of valuable practice before the first test. [url=http://www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=33]canadian goose jacka pris[/url] She says: I loved it, because I felt that Id been so inhibited for such a long time and hadnt been enjoying the music business I was in my element.
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Late former South African president 's widow Graca Machel was not ill-treated by the Mandela family, the aba-Thembu royal family said on Sunday."She (Machel) must be respected by each and every family member as she is the only wife of Madiba (Mandela) who supported him until the last moment," royal family spokesperson Daludumo Mtirara said in a statement.This came after reports emerged that the family was fighting over Mandela's estate and wanted to evict Machel from the house she and Mandela shared.No firm evidence could be found that proved Machel was ill- treated by the family, said Mtirara.But Mtirara acknowledged "instability in the Mandela house" in Qunu, Eastern Cape, where Mandela was burried.The members of the royal family shared their concern about "instability in the Mandela house," said Mtirara.He was referring to an alleged family feud over Mandela's assets, including his Qunu estate, among family members.Mtirara said a process is underway to allocate the estate."We understand that there is a process for the allocation of the Estate," he said.Mtirara urged Mandela family members not to change the status of Mandela's estate until the allocation process are finalized."We advised the family members to remain calm, respect the administration of the Estate and ensure that all the assets remain where they are until processes are finalized," Mtirara said.The aba-Thembu royal family made the call after a meeting with the elders of the Mandela house in Qunu to discuss the allocation of the estate, according to Mtirara.The meeting, Mtirara said, reiterated that Mandla Mandela, who is the eldest grandson, was to be considered the head of the family."Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandla Mandela is the only point of entry to the Mandela house and he remains the head of this house," said Mtirara.Mtirara's remarks contradict those of Mandela's ex-wife Winnie Madikizela-Mandela who said Mandela's eldest daughter, being Ms. Makaziwe Mandela, will head the family and will make decisions with the support of her two sisters.This was in accordance with customary law and tradition, Winnie said in a statement days after Madela was buried on Dec. 15."To this end there is no misunderstanding, or debate," Winnie said.As for Mandela's eldest grandson Mandla Mandela, Winnie said he is respected as one of Mandela's grandchildren, the next generation of the Mandela family.Mandla and Makaziwe have reportedly been involved in a bitter public spat over the control of Mandela's legacy and leadership of the fractured family. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=7]Cheap cheap mulberry bags For Sale Here. mulberry purses sale | mulberry purse[/url] One of the two flights that did not feature Arrowhead was No. 1 doubles. Second-seeded Ben Ziolkowski and Nick Oleniczak of Muskego defeated top-seeded Justin Seflow and Justin Gorski of Waukesha South, 6-1, 6-1.
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Iraqi security forces on Wednesday clashed with gunmen who seized a police headquarters in the city of Fallujah and some police stations and checkpoints across Anbar, despite the withdrawal of soldiers from the cities in the Iraqi western province, a police source said.Dozens of gunmen and armed tribesmen attacked the compound of the police headquarters in the city of Falljah, some 50 km west of the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, and seized the building and weapons after a short clash with police force which withdrew to avoid fighting them, a local police source told Xinhua.Meanwhile, the gunmen attacked another police station in Golan district in Fallujah and seized the building after they killed police chief Major Muhannad al-Swidawi, the source said, adding that some gunmen also attacked al-Sejar checkpoint in northern Fallujah and seized it without any clash as the policemen left their weapons and fled the scene.On Wednesday morning, fierce clashes erupted in the town of Garma near Fallujah when dozens of gunmen attacked the police checkpoints and set ablaze at least three police vehicles, the source said.More clashes broke out in several cities in Anbar province, including its capital city of Ramadi, some 110 km west of Baghdad, but there is no reports about casualties after the almost total collapse of security in the cities.However, a source from the provincial Health Department told Xinhua that the Ramadi hospital has received 16 bodies of civilians and some 66 others for treatment during the past two days.The clashes in Anbar entered the third day despite the government's move to withdraw the army from the cities and to lift the curfew imposed on the province since Saturday, when tensions flared in the province following the capture of a Sunni tribal leader and a security force operation to dismantle a sit-in camp of Sunnis near Ramadi.On Tuesday, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said that the army will withdraw from the cities in Anbar but will continue its manhunt for al-Qaida militants in the desert area of the western province.The Sunnis have been carrying out a year-long protest, accusing the Shiite-led government of marginalizing them and its Shiite- dominated security forces of indiscriminately arresting, torturing and killing their sons. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=80]mulberry glasgow[/url] A U Rashid not out .............................36 [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=140]http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=140[/url]
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An estimated $1.3 million worth of art from more than 130 artists, mostly from Syria and Lebanon, is being auctioned at below-gallery prices in Beirut to raise money for Syrian refugee children."This is the first time that you have so many artists from the Middle East mobilize for a cause," said Noura Jumblatt, president of the Lebanese Beiteddine festival and wife of Druze leader Walid Jumblatt."We had more offers but we had to limit ourselves," she told Reuters in her office, which was filled with thousands of dollars worth of bubble-wrapped art ready for a live auction on November 8 in Beirut.About half of Syria's 2 million war refugees are children, according to the United Nations. At least 100,000 people have died in nearly three years of conflict.Many have fled to Lebanon and live in appalling conditions - in tents or abandoned buildings, with limited food, medicine, clothing and education.Artists donating work include the Lebanese Nabil Nahas, who regularly exhibits in New York, and Ayman Baalbaki, who has given a broad-brush painting of a man wearing a red and white headscarf.Iraqi, Egyptian, Iranian and European artists have also joined the effort.Much of the work is now being auctioned on Paddle8, a US-based auctioning site, with reserves that are below gallery prices, Jumblatt said.Paddle8 spokeswoman Sarah Goulet wrote in an e-mail that bidding was "brisk" and a total of $250,000 was bid in the first two days of the two week auction.All funds will go toward food, clothing, medical supplies and schooling. Reuters [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=60]mulberry shoes sale[/url] When my great-grandfather injured his back, he set up the business on the back of that, and we have developed from wire working to machine guards and sheet metal fabrication through to the design and manufacture of pressure valves and process equipment.
Assembly District 15: Milwaukee County Supervisor Joe Sanfelippo of West Allis is running as a Republican for the seat being vacated by Rep. Tony Staskunas (D-West Allis). Two Democrats are running as well - Chuck Garrigues of New Berlin and Cindy Moore of New Berlin. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=80]mulberry glasgow[/url] In the end, it is possible to read Nouhras concern with the opposition of stasis and motion in terms of the relationship between the observer and the work. To stand still, open-minded, before the canvasses is to provide a focal point for the movement she has so skillfully rendered.
Immigration is a portfolio with a constant stream of bad news. Ministers are naturally tempted to share the burden of regularly facing a barrage of hostile media questioning. Using a departmental spokesperson, though unusual, is at least better than directly involving the secretary. If the secretary is called on to answer, as the person responsible for all departmental administration, the minister is clearly ducking responsibility and passing the buck to the department. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=64]cheap mulberry alexa bag[/url] A succession of corners before half time gave Sunderland a chance to go in at the break level, but Christian Benteke was on hand to block Jis goal-bound shot.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to make the funeral either, which stings a little bit, Johnson said. We were (at Homestead-Miami Speedway) testing. I knew she would want me to work on my car and make sure I got to victory lane. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=77]www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=77[/url] The report found Australia was very expensive across a wide range of products , and the United States was the cheapest developed country.
f Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=78]http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=78[/url] But hes more than proved he can also do flippant, positive and look-to-the-future optimism.
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Justin Bieber Photo: CFPTeen heartthrob Justin Bieber was Thursday told to clean up his mess after the pop star was accused of spraying graffiti on the wall of an Australian hotel.Furious Gold Coast mayor Tom Tate said the Canadian had been disrespectful and "really, really silly," and sent a graffiti removal kit to the exclusive QT Hotel on the Sunshine Coast so he could repair the damage."If a normal person did that they'd be serving 80 to 100 hours of community service," Tate told the Nine Network."Just come and clean it up and we'll be happy with you."In a separate interview in the Brisbane Courier-Mail, Tate said, "We've all been young once. But by the sounds of it, he's gone and done something really, really silly."But he's got an opportunity to make good ... I urge him to treat this city the way Gold Coast fans treat him."Bieber's handiwork includes a Pacman ghost and other fluorescent cartoon characters, reportedly painted in the early hours of Wednesday morning after the star's Brisbane show.Pictures of the graffiti were posted online, including on Instagram, with reports saying Bieber and his entourage left the cans of spray paint behind for staff to clean up.Comments on the Instagram page were largely negative with one saying, "Celebrities should not be above the law. He needs to grow up."It is the second recent ruckus involving the singer and graffiti, with police in Rio de Janeiro investigating him earlier this month for alleged unauthorized wall tagging.In that incident, he scrawled "Respect privacy" and "I am off" and made several drawings on a hotel wall. Police launched a probe into whether he had permission from City Hall to deface the building.Bieber was believed to have left the Brisbane hotel for Sydney, where he performs Friday and Saturday, but Tate demanded that he return.Brisbane was the first of eight shows Bieber is staging across Australian cities.AFP [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=123]www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=123[/url] In a moment, she was back, holding up a second locket, the perfect match of the first. It gleamed in the lights of the tree. I looked at the two girls, one with long hair, the other cut short. Each wore a smile of sudden recognition and as I looked more closely, I saw it too. The same deep brown eyes, the same dimple at the end of a crooked smile.
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Annual trade talks between China and the United States started on Friday in an effort to address trade frictions and build a foundation for the new model of major-power relations between the world's two biggest economies."This is the first Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade (JCCT) since the new Chinese and US administrations took office, " Chinese Vice Premier said at the meeting.The US delegation includes US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Trade Representative Michael Froman and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.This year marks the 30th anniversary of the JCCT, an annual forum launched in 1983 for the two countries to address trade and investment issues."The JCCT has witnessed soaring bilateral trade, which has totaled 50 trillion US dollars this year from 4 billion US dollars in 1983," Wang said.Bilateral investment has increased to 10 trillion US dollars this year from 100 million US dollars in 1983, Wang said.He said the JCCT also helps build a solid foundation for the new model of major-power relations, which presidents of the two countries reached consensus on during their summit in June in California.Wang stressed the important role played by the JCCT in the past three decades, saying that "without the JCCT, any breakthrough or any resolution to the differences in bilateral trade would be impossible."Wang said he expects the ongoing JCCT to be a friendly and mutually beneficial meeting."We have the potential here today to demonstrate our two countries' ability to remove trade and investment barriers, increase openness and efficiency of our markets, and ensure the stable trade and investment relationship moves forward," Froman said at the opening session."Government and business leaders in the US and around the world have expressed how the JCCT should play an important role in supporting shared growth and prosperity between the world's two largest economies," Pritzker said."As a former business leader, I believe strongly through close cooperation we can and should achieve mutually beneficial outcomes and tangible results," Pritzker said.Pritzker said the US-China relationship is "entering in a moment of opportunity" and that the two nations should "seize this moment by taking both short term and long-term steps that show we are pursuing a balanced and ever growing trade and investment relationship."She suggested the two sides move forward in areas such as intellectual property rights, services liberalization, government procurement, agricultural and other market access and regulatory issues."It is important that we make progress. It is critical to the prosperity to the people of both China and the United States. We as leaders have the responsibility," she said. [url=http://www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=75]K旦p billiga outlet canada goose p奪 salu 2014 | falsk canada goose officiell sajt | canada goose jacka trillium parka dam, fri frakt 2014![/url] Mr Ropner said: I have been trying my best to get youths, who may otherwise be walking around streets, into what is an unusual sport that does not get the publicity other sports such as snowboarding do. http://www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=29
Curtis O Brien, 24, of Port St. Lucie, Fla., is accused of reaching over the counter at Buy Rite on River Road and forcibly taking $814 in cash from the register on Oct. 31, police said. Before leaving the store, police said O Brien picked up a six-pack of beer and walked out. [url=http://www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=51]canada goose jacka sverige[/url] Cheers broke out in the first rays of sunshine of 2014 from the ceremony-review stand at China's Tiananmen Gate in Beijing.Along with a massive group gathered on the square below, 1,000 visitors stood on the political landmark early Wednesday morning to witness the flag-raising ceremony from above.Visitors on the review stand got a bird's eye view of Tian'anmen Square during the ceremony, which was accompanied by a brass brand playing the anthem of the People's Republic of China."It is such a treasured experience to witness the solemn ceremony. I finally realized the dream on New Year's Day," said Li Yinghao, a 10-year-old boy from Heze in east China's Shandong Province.Li and his mother rushed toward Tian'anmen Square as early as 5 o'clock after a 9-hour train journey from their hometown.At 7:36 a.m. Wednesday, the Five-starred Red Flag was raised. About 20,000 people from all over China witnessed the flag-raising with hopes and dreams for the new year."I wish for an improved environment with no haze. Then we can organize more bicycle riding activities," said Tang Zhenfu, a college student from the China Institute of Industrial Relations, who cycled to attend the flag-raising ceremony.Tang is a member of the college's cycling club and has ridden his bike to places such as Xi'an, Xiamen and Qinghai Lake on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau."I have a dream of opening a hotel chain for hiking travelers around the country," he said."Weather" topped a list of the hottest search key words in 2013 on both the full site and mobile versions of Baidu, China's leading search engine.Tang and thousands of visitors were happy to embrace the first day of 2014 on a sunny, breezy and clear Wednesday in Beijing."I feel pride and responsibility here. Each one has a personal dream, and it is closely related to the nation's prosperity," said Zhou Liangliang, a college student from southwest China's Sichuan Province.Zhou said she considers the Tian'anmen Square ceremony an "Adult Ceremony" to mark her recent 18th birthday.The Chinese Dream concept was put forward by Chinese leader when he attended an exhibition themed "the road towards renewal" at the end of 2012.Xi stressed that the Chinese Dream means the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. It embodies achieving prosperity for the country, renewal of the nation and happiness for the citizens.It was the second time for Sun Hongwei, head of a private machinery enterprise in northeast China's Jilin Province, to attend the flag-raising ceremony.He was excited to see the effective enforcement of the new policies of a reform blueprint put forward at the ."I am expecting a more equitable development environment for private enterprises and better government services," said Sun. p [url=http://www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=54]canada goose stockholm[/url]
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Chinese lunar probe will not perform a planned third trimming of its trajectory along the earth-moon transfer orbit, according to the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense.Chang'e-3, which is carrying moon rover "Yutu" (Jade Rabbit), was successfully launched early Monday morning from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center."The probe's carrier, an enhanced Long March-3B rocket, entered the orbit with comparatively high precision, and the first two orbital trimmings were highly exact, which resulted in the probe being capable of meeting the demands of near-moon deceleration and follow-up orbital control," said a statement released Thursday by the administration.Noting good adaptability in the flying control plan for Chang'e-3, the statement added that "it has been decided that a third orbital trimming is not necessary."If all goes well, the Chang'e-3 mission will mark the first time for China to send a spacecraft to soft-land on the surface of an extraterrestrial body, where it will conduct surveys of the Moon.According to the administration, the variable thrust engine -- completely designed and made by Chinese scientists -- can realize continuous variation of thrust power ranging from 1,500 to 7,500 newtons. It will offer the main momentum for Chang'e-3 as it decelerates before reaching the lunar surface.Chang'e-3 has been in normal operation for about 88 hours as of 6 p.m. Thursday, with a distance travelled of nearly 350,000 kilometers, according to the statement. [url=http://www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=19]www.racingevents.se/event.asp?p=19[/url] If you are sowing a new lawn, youll need to dig over the area thoroughly to allow free drainage, removing stones and weeds as you go, then incorporate organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure. On heavy clay incorporate sharp grit and organic soil conditioner. On light soils just incorporate the organic matter.
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Commentary and photos submitted to the Missoulian (Missoulian.com) may be published or distributed in print, electronically or other forms. Opinions expressed in Missoulian.com's comments reflect the opinions of the author, and are not necessarily the opinions of the Missoulian or its parent company. See the and for more information. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=63]mulberry alexa bag sale[/url] The God Delusion left me puzzled. Why does Dawkins insist that religion and science are incompatible? How does he cope with scientists who come to faith in God in their adulthood as a result of their scientific enquiries? Does everything in the universe that exists have to be material? How can science answer questions of a spiritual nature? Why do the discoveries of the DNA Genetic code, the unique anthropocentric nature of our world, the irreducible complexities of so many biological organisms not persuade Dawkins that this may be indicative of intelligent design? The answer is simple. Dawkins has chosen to interpret the world around him through the filter of his atheist paradigm. He is doing the very thing that scientists are not supposed to do. The evidence is supposed to lead to a conclusion, rather than a conclusion interpreting the evidence. q [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=135]mulberry style bag[/url]
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g Snow spectacleIn the centre of the ice park sits the largest castle, and around it are multiple secondary castles, turrets, bridges and other ice structures. On the north end of the grounds there are several smaller sculptures from the international ice-carving competition. This area of the park reminded me of home and the sculptors at work at the Edmonton sister festival.The ice castles all have stairs built-in, and one can walk both up and down, or get back to the ground via an ice slide. There aren't any sleds, though, so either be a dare-devil and squat on your feet on the way down, or accept that you will get snow on your back side!Most visitors get around by foot, but there is also the option to pay a steep amount to ride in a horse-drawn carriage for one circle around the grounds. At night, the carriages are lined with little light bulbs, and their shape is reminiscent of the pumpkin Cinderella rides in to the ball.On some evenings there are performances at the park, and outdoor sports enthusiasts might enjoy renting skates or a sled on the ice surface to the south of the carvings.Out standing in the cold are also snack vendors. Sticks with sugar-coated fruit are commonplace across China, but there is something a little bit more special about buying a fruit stick in the freezing cold, and biting into a pineapple which is practically unrecognizable from those you might get in warmer, more tropical locales.Of course, before even thinking about where to go in Harbin, or how to get there, plan what you are going to wear. Layers are essential, as are good gloves, a hat and a scarf to block the strong wind from your face. The cold, though, is a necessary part of the experience. The Ice and Snow Festival can only be visited in winter, and it's exhilarating. [url=http://www.1milliongamerscore.com/features.php?p=25]louis vuitton handbags from china[/url] We are confident we can escape relegation.
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Hollywood business writers have dubbed 2013 Year of the flops, and there were an unusual number of big-budget clunkers. Many of these were made by experienced directors and studios that should know better but still think that grinding out lifeless product is a surefire money-making formula. Congratulations to audiences for staying home, so that films such as Paranoia, starring Harrison Ford and Gary Oldman, which looked dull even in trailers, and Bullet to the Head with Sylvester Stallone, the title of which serves as its own punchline, tanked at the box office.But if you ventured out of the multiplexes, there were some excellent films. As usual, my top 10 list below includes only movies that have been released in Israel during this year, so certain films that are out in the US already arent on it, such as the Coen brothers latest, Inside Llewyn Davis, or 12 Years a Slave, both of which will open here in the next couple of months.Wonderful films came from all over this year and encompassed all kinds of genres: noir, action, comedy, classic adaptations and just about everything in between.1. All Is Lost 2. Before Midnight 3. Bethlehem 4. Blue Is the Warmest Color 5. Caesar Must Die 6. Enough Said 7. S#x Acts 8. The Great Gatsby 9. The Wonders 10. Wadjda It may surprise people that there are three Israeli films on the list, but these films deserve to be there. Avi Neshers The Wonders is a brilliant mix of genres. Lewis Carroll meets Carol Reed in Jerusalem, with a complicated noir plot involving an artist, an ultra-Orthodox man held against his will and a mystery woman.Yuval Adlers Bethlehem showed a very different side of the Jerusalem area and is about an Israeli intelligence agent and a terrorists young brother whom he recruits to be his informant. This film delved into the divisions within different Palestinian groups as no other has and was truly suspenseful.Jonathan Gurfinkels S#x Acts is a painful and extremely believable story of a teenage girl who is desperately lonely and wants to be accepted in a world where no one really cares much about her.Four films from the US made the cut, including J.C. Chandors All Is Lost, which stars Robert Redford, whom younger audiences probably know best as the guy who started the Sundance Film Festival.This almost totally wordless film shows what happens when a mans sailboat, far out at sea, is damaged. Its an old-fashioned story of a mans fight to survive, and Redfords skillful acting conveys all we need to know about the character.Richard Linklaters last film in his trilogy about a Franco-American couple, Before Midnight, starring and co-written by Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy, is an engaging portrait of a marriage.Nicole Holofceners Enough Said, a simple romantic comedy, stars Julia Louis-Dreyfus and the late James Gandolfini. Gandolfini is so wonderful, that I only thought the words Tony Soprano once during the entire film.Baz Luhrmanns 3-D adaptation of The Great Gatsy had its ups and downs, but the directors love for the work shone through, and Leonardo DiCaprio gave his best performance ever in the title role and may be the best on-screen Gatsby ever.While the economies may be struggling in Europe, there were lots of good films from the continent, including the Taviani brothers Caesar Must Die, a semidocumentary look at prisoners performing Julius Caesar, and Abdellatif Kechiches Blue Is the Warmest Color, which took the Palme dOr at Cannes (a serious film about young French lesbians what could be bad?).The most unusual movie in the bunch was the charming Wadjda, which was not just the first film made in Saudi Arabia but was also made by a woman, Haifaa Al-Mansour, who is quite critical of the governments oppression of women. Waad Mohammed, its young star, gives one of the best performances by a child ever. The film is funny, moving and ingeniously revolutionary at the same time. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=141]mulberry keyring sale[/url] Mrs Myers, who is married to Steve, says the banking crisis was an extremely difficult time for the industry, but believes the problems have worked to improve and strengthen services, creating a reaffirmed focus on the customer. http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=77
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Traditional Tibetan operas A total of 12 theater groups are in Lhasa for the festival this year. Since the period of 13th Dalai Lama Thubten Gyatso (1876-1933), each of them has been performing at the Shoton Festival. Among them, six troupes belong to the old school of "white masks," including Bindaiba from Qonggyai County, Zhaxi Shoba from Nedong County and Tazhongwa from Nyemo County. Because of their simple moves and arias, they have a more subdued appeal. With more complicated moves and arias, the school of "blue masks" are growing in popularity and their troupes include Goinba from Ngamring County, Gyanggar from Rinbung County, Xangba from Namling County and Jormolung formed in Doilungdeqen County, but now based in Lhasa. Catch the performances on the stage at Norbulingka, the Dalai Lama's successive summer residence. Most of the operas feature stories from Buddhist folklore as well as local tales including Prince Nor-bzang and Princess Wencheng. Other cultural performances like the "yak dance" and "sheepskin drum dance" are also a special treat for the eyes and ears.Although watching Tibetan dramas may dominate your travel plans, as some of them can run from the morning to the late afternoon, wandering around in Norbulingka like the locals may be a good alternative option for backpackers wanting a more leisurely activity. Norbulingka, known as "Treasure Garden" or "Jeweled Park," is the largest and most-popular park in Lhasa. It features Gesang Palace that was built by the 7th Dalai Lama from the 1740s and the palace has undergone a series of expansions and renovations since.The palace consists of 374 rooms and the main complexes on the grounds are the Gesang Palace, Tsokyil Palace, Golden Linka and Takten Migyur Palace. These typical Tibetan architectures take full advantage of their surroundings, hiding behind leaves and flowers and forming a consistent, pleasant view for visitors.Gesang Palace is the oldest sector in Norbulingka. However, the most arresting spot is said to be Tsokyil Palace, a stunning Han-style pavilion that excels in its delicate beauty for relaxation. Apart from that, there is the three-storey Jensen Palace used primarily for meetings and rituals. With an imposing appearance it sits alone in the west of the garden, with its roof glowing under the sun. In 1954, the 14th Dalai Lama built Takten Migyur Potrang, meaning "Eternal Palace" in Tibetan, an unexpected attraction known for its splendid murals.Home to over 100 species of rare plants, local and introduced, the park area also possesses rich natural as well as cultural value, which makes it a great venue for picnicking, shows, dances and traditional Tibetan games such as ring tossing and archery, especially during Shoton Festival.The admission for Norbulingka is 60 yuan. Additional fees are charged if you wish to visit the sanctuaries inside. Norbulingka opens every day from 9:30 am to 6 pm. Take bus No.2 at the Tibetan Hospital and stop at the entrance gate of the park.Barkhor Bazaar and Jokhang Temple Barkhor Bazaar and Jokhang Temple are the second most well-known must-see sites among travelers after Potala Palace. Barkhor Bazzar is a busy street surrounding Jokhang Temple. But locals prefer to call it Bajiaojie instead of its name in Chinese "Bakuojie," which was influenced by the many Sichuan people who settled in Lhasa as in Sichuan dialect, "jiao" is similar to "kuo." And in fact, the street doesn't have eight points as the translation of "Bajiaojie" would suggest, a misunderstanding by many travelers who make the assumption based on the name.Travelers from around the world visit the bazaar for an exotic shopping experience among street vendors or to simply follow the Buddhist worshippers on the ritual pathway on the street. Those worshippers from every corner of Tibet come to visit Jokhang Temple and walk around the temple to pay their respects to Buddha. "You can't say that you've been to Lhasa until you've visited Jokhang Temple," is a popular saying among keen travelers seeking the ultimate destination in Tibet. Follow the crowd cleanse your spirit at the temple. When you finish the temple visit, you'll find plenty of choices for souvenirs at the bazaar from various kinds of Tibetan silver accessories to Tibetan medicine or the popular Tibetan knives. But remember to mail it home from the nearby post office as you won't be allowed to take the knife with you on the plane. Also be sure to save time to taste sweet tea at Guangming Teahouse at the bazzar. A good spot to eye locals among tourists, the place offers a calming atmosphere and the sun shining through the windows adds a nice warmth. Place just a 10 yuan-note on the table and you'll receive more servings of the flavorful tea than you can drink - feel free to politely resist before 20 cups are poured for you. The city of Lhasa is full of surprises. Take everything in at a nice, relaxed pace. It's not a place for rushing. If you manage only one excursion while you're there, then reserve a day for Potala Palace - you won't be sorry you did. 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A friend living in Vientiane recently complained of incessant noise next to her house where a Chinese gang was busy constructing a new feeder road. None of the residents had been consulted. The residents are afraid that asphalt will bring speed and accidents. To the slower paced Laotians, the Chinese are unwelcome. "Why can't Laotians do that work? Who asked if we wanted this road?" one onlooker asked. Good questions.Across Laos, Chinese laborers are building huge malls, dams, factories, golf courses and airports, taking jobs that could easily done by Laotians. Tiny Laos with its population of over 6 million is being made to look increasingly like China. Many Chinese projects dispossess Laotians of their land. The Laotians need the work.There is no question that the Chinese have always been in Laos, but it is the massive increase in numbers, influence and visibility that are causing concern.A few weeks ago, the New York Times drew approbation over a story they did on what was to be the joint China-Laos railway project. Hidden in the story is the threat that Laotians are increasingly naming; colonization by stealth, and with that, a commodification of Lao culture. In the story, the Chinese hotel owner was waiting for the floods of his countrymen into Laos to complete the circle of purchase and profit. The Laotians are increasingly left with nowhere to go.Hidden below the grandiose plans are the subtle corrosion of what it means to be Laotian. China, which guards its own heritage and ancestry, is seemingly happy to destroy that belonging to others. The traditional Lao skirts are being replaced by cheap mass-produced synthetic skirts made by machines in China, marginalizing both the weavers - whose work makes significant contributions to village incomes - and the fabric's cultural meaning. Some of Vientiane's best loved colonial buildings are slated for demolition. The National Museum is, perhaps ironically, to be replaced by a 20-story five-star hotel. Chinese projects are operated under a Godfather model. There is no competitive bidding or tendering process. Instead, concessions are given by political insiders for various favors.The Yunnan-derived Northern Plan perhaps best sums up the insensitivity to non-Chinese culture. The famously successful but intimate World Heritage city of Luang Prabang has become a tourist megalopolis of 30 square kilometers; ethnic minorities can be shown off in what could be described as human zoos, to be gawped at and photographed by Chinese tourists. But more ominously, it reveals how easily and cheaply Laos can be bought. Laos has been described as a vassal state, and the Northern Plan makes it obvious that this descriptor is apt.Recently, the Global Times published two opinion pieces, which talked about the Chinese presence in Laos. Their pieces presented the middle class critique. They talked about roads, infrastructure; all the stuff of the urban elite. Laotians are still largely poor and rural. They do not have access to health services, or decent education, much less Range Rovers for comfortable cross border travel. Chinese road projects provide lessons in how not to proceed. A recent trip up the Nam Ou River showed how appallingly managed some Chinese infrastructure is. The road built to maintain the cascade of Chinese hydropower dams had already caused massive landslips and loss of river bank farmlands. When I asked the boatmen who ply the river and upon whose skills thousands of people, including a burgeoning tourist industry, depend, if they had been consulted or compensated, they all said no. A small group of highly skilled men will become occupationally extinct. The signs of urban economic growth have given the government of Laos legitimacy, while the Chinese have gradually inched out the traditional protectors, the Vietnamese. The recent abduction of Laos' national Sombath Somphone underscored that the transfer of telecommunications from Thai to Chinese oversight has had consequences for Laotian civil society. Phones and the Internet are under surveillance.But more seriously, Chinese incursions into Laos' economics, commerce planning, and resource management are now so pervasive and entrenched, that they can never be reversed, even if a more dignified government comes into power. [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=124]www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=124[/url] The glittering array of trophies accumulated by the three leagues over the years will be kept in a special cabinet at Durham County Cricket Clubs headquarters in Chester-le- Street. Theyve been [url=http://www.asbos.co.uk/advise.php?p=23]mulberry outlet somerset[/url]
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G.W. Carver 62, [url=http://www.adonim.de/namen.php?p=84]www.adonim.de/namen.php?p=84[/url] Meet Simile and Sui Generis.Simile, to refresh memories, is a favorite rhetorical device of writers that compares two essentially unlike things that nonetheless have similar characteristics: The quarterback was like a locomotive.Sui generis, the Latin phrase meaning unique or one of a kind, is a helpful restraint upon the former. Some things, even if they share certain characteristics, shouldn鐃t be compared. Sui generis is the braking system on a rhetorical locomotive, or at least it should be. That was a metaphor, by the way, and not a very good one. We in the news business could stand to apply the brakes to our runaway impulse to 鐃similize.鐃 I personally love a good simile, which is often a way to inject levity into a column. But lately we鐃ve seen instances of simile-itis that might have saved readers and viewers some angst, even if writers and pundits were left with less to say. (Let鐃s go light on the air horns, please.) In the past several days, we鐃ve heard news people and others compare Obamacare to Katrina and Iraq. Sarah Palin compared our national debt to slavery. Countless times in recent years we鐃ve seen 鐃Nazi鐃 applied to people with whose policies or politics we disagree, none so frequently as George W. Bush, though President Obama, too, has had a few turns. All of the above are clearly sui generis and should be retired from any future similes unless they are referring to truly like things, not just a single person鐃s impression of the world while musing on current events. Katrina is like Sandy because they were both natural disasters, though significantly more people died in Katrina than in Sandy. Iraq is sui generis and nothing like Vietnam, to which it was sometimes compared.Nazis and the Holocaust shouldn鐃t be compared to anything else. The systematic, state-sponsored extermination of 6 million Jews, as well as others, is sufficiently horrific to stand alone. Pro-lifers who sometimes characterize abortion as a Holocaust are probably not helping the cause of revelation. Finally, slavery merits its own place in America鐃s memory. To compare it to anything else, especially something as mundane as debt, is wrong on its face. Indentured servitude to China might have been a better choice for Palin, who prefaced her remark with, 鐃This isn鐃t racist, but ...鐃Note: Anytime you start a sentence with 鐃This isn鐃t racist, but ... ,鐃 you probably shouldn鐃t finish it.In Palin鐃s defense, she obviously meant no offense and the attacks in response have been so vicious that the attacks themselves are beyond comparison. One in particular was so awful that I won鐃t repeat it. Just as Palin didn鐃t deserve such an onslaught, people reading this column in good faith don鐃t deserve to have such wretched thoughts imposed on their psyches. Page 2 of 2 - These recent examples of similes gone awry raise two questions: What is the impulse that drives our need to make such comparisons? And why do we react so viscerally when we do?The impulse is usually to elucidate, i.e., this is as bad as that. But it is also partly lazy. Do we really have so little imagination that all we can do is summon Katrina every time an administration fails to meet our expectations? Or Hitler to denote our impression of bad? Surely it is a rhetorical crime to turn someone so evil into a cliche. From a purely political perspective, the impulse may be driven by the desire to remind people of the past transgressions of political foes. Thus, when commentators say Obamacare is like Katrina, the mind flits from Barack Obama to George W. Bush and only the differences, rather than the single similarity of administrative incompetence, register: People died in Katrina and President Obama only wants to help people. Through subliminal jujitsu, the real comparison lands in the community psyche. Conversely, as Salon political writer Brian Beutler suggested during a recent conversation, even Republicans may see benefits to this comparison in that it neutralizes the ongoing, negative liability of Katrina for the GOP. But then the cycle continues into absurdity. If Obamacare collapses and Republicans present Americans with Ryancare, we likely can expect Democrats to characterize every glitch as the GOP鐃s Katrina II.To the most important point, comparing a horrific tragedy or atrocity to anything else trivializes and diminishes it. By trying to capture, quantify and categorize others鐃 suffering, we trespass on the sacred.Some things are like nothing else -- and should be left to rest in peace. Kathleen Parker鐃s email address is kathleenparker@washpost.com.Washington Post Writers Group u [url=http://www.adonim.de/namen.php?p=63]woolrich jacken[/url]
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